First off I have to admit that before these products I did not own anything of mac aside from they're lipsticks.
1: mac studio sculpt foundation in nc42($30); this foundation is described as a full coverage gel based foundation. I have oily combo, acne prone skin so I wanted something that was more matte. This foundation is great it provides a natural semi matte finish, so it isn't totally drying. It is now my #1favorite foundation, #2 is loreal visible lift repair absolute, I use sun beige, #3 is loreal lumi foundation in sun beige. (Left to right; mineralized concealer and studio sculpt)
(Top to bottom; foundation blended, a dab of the foundation)

2: mac mineralized concealer in nc42 ($20): this is a creamy concealer, I have Rosacea on my chin and cupids bow so this area is very dry, some concealer a tend to look cakes and blotchy on my chin, this concealer is total heaven it is light weight, provides amazing coverage and doesn't cake on or look cakey after a few hours of wear. I definitely recommend this concealer if you have Rosacea, dry skin, or sensitive skin as it does not irritate.(lots of thing irritate my skin cause of its sensitivity, I know what it's like) (left to right; heavy swatch, blended)

3: mac bronzing powder in matte bronze ($24) and Mac mineralized skin finish in soft and gentle ($29). Matte bronze is described as a bare shouldered bronze, it isn't too dark, if your looking for a natural looking matte bronzing then this is it, if your looking for a darker bronzer I suggest you try bronze instead. This bronzer isn't too pigmented, then again I only tried it once since I just purchased it but it is a bit stiff. I may have to break it in. Soft and gentle is described a a gilded peach bronze , but personally I thinks it's more of a golden pewter color, it's looks like a pale golden pink on my skin tone. This msf is a staple in my vanity, it's great for highlighting the cheek bones and the bridge of the nose. I even found a great way to use this amazing powder from a mac artist, she sprayed a brush with macs fix it spray and applied soft and gentle wet to the center of my lid and it provided a beautiful effect with my dark charcoal smokey eye.
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